Case law organization system is very important to the countries which embody the common legal system. We have also adopted the common legal system in practice. It plays a vital role to dispense and accurate justice. This system helps judges, lawyers, law professionals, legal researchers, and judicial service employees. Due to the mandatory force of precedent case law plays a vital role in legal research. The importance of case law can be viewed as follow:
i. Case Law Can Fulfill the Gaps and Lapses of the Legislation: As discussed case law is considered as the primary authority in Legal source. Therefore the Researcher can use case Law with Legal validity. If sometimes the Legal Researcher cannot get particular Legislation regarding their research issue then they are illegible to use Case Law as a primary source as to Legislation.
ii. Case Law is Flexible to Use in the Research: Case Law is more flexible than Legislation. It remains in living contact with the reason and justice of the matter. Because of this nature, the researcher can use case law in their research. Case Law is more satisfying, more perfect, and more workable. Thus the researcher can easily determine the legality of the case law and will be able to use it in a proper manner.
iii. Stability: Case law promotes sense stability. The researcher can decide litigated disputes from the previous decision. Appellate courts must follow the precedent in the same case.
iv. Predictability: Researchers can not predict the case without studying the case law but after studying the case law every researcher can predict what court will decide?
v. Fairness: Case law gives a sense of fairness. In deciding, case appellate judges base their reasoning in statutes or previously decided cases. So its benefit is very high.
vi. Binding Authority to Support the Argument: The nature of Case Law is binding in the Legal field. Case Law is the primary authority of the legal source of Law. The decision made by the court is binding but not whole the fact, issue, and another component rather the lower court have to follow the legal principle.
vii. Persuasive Authority Helps to Enrich the Argument: Lower Court produces judgments as well as precedents as superior Court but they do not consist of Legal validity or binding authority in Legal Source. Such precedents are considered as opinions of the superior Court. However such precedents are persuasive for the superior Court. The Legal researcher can do it in the same way. Considering the persuasive nature of the case Law produced by the lower court. The legal Researcher can use such case Law to reach their argument in the particular research.